In the midst of chaos,
There is also opportunity
Refugee, con-artist, tattoo artist, cat burglar, drug pusher - this abrasive little woman has been many things, and yet she's risen from gutter-rat, to Wakagashira of the Bluesky Bosozoku/Yakuza in under a year; from debtor, to debt collector in her own right, her rise has been meteoric. A rising star, serving under the Khan of the Bluesky who has likewise rocketed to power, she runs her own restaurant out of the Bluesky Lounge, as well.Tread lightly with this self-styled 'Dragon' - the heat of her ire is no less intense for her diminutive size.
Just the Facts
Full Name: J’kesri Denma (Not publicly known.)
Nicknames: Jak (Others are not publicly known)
Height: 4′9″
Age: Roughly 28ish, give or take a little
Sexual Orientation: Bi/Sapiosexual
Relationship Status: Complicated enough as it is, she is not seeking anything new.
Languages: Eorzean common, Doman (working knowledge), Hunt Speak
Occupation: Restaurant Manager, Tattoo Artist (by appointment, may not be as widely known); not publicly known: criminal (it's a broad umbrella, but her activities outside of the Yakuza are often no less devious than within), Yakuza leadership, cat burglar
Hobbies: Art and music; most art is kept in a sketchbook she's not keen to share - likewise, she doesn't make it readily known that she plays piano, either. She is naturally talented in both!
Skills/Abilities: Keen eyesight and incredibly sensitive hearing; can play piano by ear; martial arts; prefers poisoned throwing knives/staying at range; when equipped with her DRK soul crystal, her skillset vastly expands - altering her fighting style entirely, and emboldening her with the knowledge that she can now both inflict - and sustain - more damage in close combat.
Now known as 'Jak', this little woman finds herself employed long term by the Yakuza, living a life beyond anything she might have once imagined as a refugee pushed into petty crime - though these days she imagines far more for herself. From a mere thief and con-artist, to the second-in-command of a bosozoku biker gang - a gang that has been elevated to true Yakuza in a move by higher ups who require more man-power and muscle in their own schemes - this little woman now strives to better understand herself, and works to come into her own in a world she's been so long parted from.It would be, however, quite unwise to underestimate this Seeker based on her diminutive size, or lack of scholarly training; nothing, and no one, is more important than herself, her goals, and her survival. While violence is rarely her first instinct, she won't hesitate to lash out if seriously threatened.Jak is often acerbic, and delivers scathing insights about one's character directly to their face - though she's not above showing respect where it's been earned, so long as she is shown as much in kind. But a lack of intelligence, a lack of drive, a lack of simple respect, and over-optimistic outlooks are an easy way to fall prey to her onslaught.A sharp tongue, a keen insight, and a spiteful adherence to wielding the truth as a weapon leaves few happier for having met her; Jak is an acquired taste, and certainly not for everyone.

Physical Characteristics
Hair Colour: Black/Orange
Eye Colour: Green/Gold
Skin Tone: Olive/light brown, gold undertones
Body Type: Lean/athletic.
Posture: Either projecting confidence, or boredom. Usually both. She stands as tall as she can, with shoulders set, when not lounging, in which case indolence can be expected.
Scars: One small slash at each cheek, one across the bridge of her nose. Levin/lightning scarring in bursts at both shoulders and biceps. A long, ragged scar spanning the length of her back, from the inside of the left side of her neck, to the top of her right buttock.
Tattoos: Black dragon that winds up the right half of her body. Jackal on her left forearm. 3 Phoenix down feathers on her right wrist. A watercolor robin tattooed just under her left breast, along her ribs.
Piercings: Multiple ear piercings; one stud at the outer edge of both white facial tattoos; one stud centered beneath her lips (can alternate to be a ring that encircles her lower lip, instead).

RP Hooks
Yakuza - As the Wakagashira of this small clan, Jak often serves as the face or intermediary to set up meetings between her Oyabun/Khan (no longer playing the game), and those who would like to establish a connection. See our Yakuza syndicate ->here<- it remains as NPC clans, for now.
The Past - Jak used to be a 'street-rat' around Ul'dah, and has only been off the streets for about 5 years - you may very well recognize her iconic features from there, or have been conned by her/her and her twin brother at some point in time. She used to buy somnus off the streets as well - and eventually became a drug-pusher for her Bosozoku/Yakuza family for a while, so maybe you were a drug-pusher, maybe she stole your favorite watch, your coin purse/etc; maybe she owes you money/a favor from ages ago - your imagination is the limit, here.
The Present - She's back to haunting the flickering shadows of Ul'dah's warm lamp-light, in light of the Empire's fall. There's a lot of weight off her shoulders, knowing the Empire is gone - but the people of Ul'dah once treated a young refugee Jak, and her twin brother, with nigh as much enmity as Garlemald had before them. A young, homeless war orphan became a wealthy, seasoned criminal and businesswoman - and is of a mind to inflict upon the mercantile elite of Ul'dah that which was once inflicted upon her - and those like her. She has been flitting about making connections in the underworld - want to be one? Want to be an antagonist for her?
Dark Knight - She came into possession of a soul crystal some time back, and is still learning how best to utilize it, though she's put her own spin on things in the meantime. Maybe you're a DRK that knows more, and can help her! (It's probably the only way to get her out to Ishgard, at that!)
Martial Training - While this little woman's skill in martial arts is nothing to turn your nose up at, I'd like her to learn some 'chi-blocking' (much like in A:TLA) to better counter casters in combat without needing the use of her aforementioned soul crystal.
Magic 'Training' - While I've chosen to limit her from true casting beyond the use of her soul crystal, she is seeking to learn more about breaking magical 'locks' - ie runes, wards, glyphs, etc. You have to learn how a lock works, before you can pick it - and she figures that the same goes for a 'magical lock.' She's trying to educate herself! And maybe have someone provide her with useful magic items, if there's none who can help her do this on her own.
Cat Burglary - To segue off of the previous point, she just loves stealing shit (especially from the undeserving - those who walk on the backs of the poor, those who spat on her as a nobody). She's rather skilled, though she's still looking to learn how to bypass magical defenses for higher tier goods. Pique her curiosity, and anything is possible. And maybe you need a thief for a job! She's very inspired by Cat Woman in this regard, perhaps unsurprisingly.
Power and Connections - She just likes to rub elbows with the criminal elite, on her own way upward. There's nothing like a good (or bad) conversation with a criminal overlord - you never know what may come of it, and nothing pleases her more than a verbal spar, or a good intellectual discussion. Her favorite morsels are secrets that lie beneath the mask, however - though she claims that she's far from an information broker, and all information stops with her. What does she want it for, then?
Garlean Nuisance - Are you a Garlean? Do you want a foe - or to be hers? Or did you work in one of the war camps/internment camps during the war? She was held prisoner for several years in her late teens, and made a test subject (one of many) for new alchemical concoctions, and so forth. Suffice to say, she loathed and feared the Empire - and still despises those that hail from the fallen Empire. She has taken to hunting Garlean refugees like she was once hunted by Garleans, after the fall of Garlemald - this 'how' of this hunting has had to alter its course somewhat, as more aid flows into Garlemald. She is working to integrate herself into the relief efforts, to better enact her revenge upon the racial supremacists.
Walk the Path - Do you just want someone to lead your character who doesn't know any better down a potentially morally dubious path? If Jak enjoys anything, this is chief among those delights. (Though not all of her 'sisterly' advice is as dark as you might expect - if you're worth advising, it's worth doing right, in her opinion!)
Seeking the Sun - If it's hot out, you won't be hard-pressed to find the little woman sunning at the beach - Shirogane, most like. If it's not summer... she's probably more likely out East either at her home, at the Bluesky Lounge getting work done, or perhaps picking up some street food/sushi and wandering Shirogane or Kugane.
I'd Like to Speak With Your Manager - She's the manager of the restaurant Indulgence, which sits above the Bluesky Jazz Lounge - she can regularly be found here, or loitering about the estate. Also a good place to host your own illicit meetings, with the knowledge that the host(s) are amenable to, and welcome, such connections - and that they both value, and guarantee, privacy. (The FC is currently inactive, but the house is still open to those who might like to utilize it!)
Longterm plots - Really, just come at me with your ideas, or help me brainstorm something for us! I can't really do fluff RP and one-off things, because neither I nor Jak have the headspace for things like that. I prefer that an interaction be with the goal of more interactions to come, and I love a good plot! Especially dark themes. Don't be afraid to reach out.
No Canon Characters Alas, this also means no WoL interaction for me - their power level is just so intense that I can't really justify Jak interacting with the WoL: time-traveling slayer of gods at the edge of the universe. No judgement from me how others choose to roleplay - but I like my immersion, and canon characters mess with that.
Jak is absolutely not everyone's 'cup of tea' so to speak! She is rude, often picks up on what makes others uncomfortable and wields it with precision, and has no qualms about being insensitive and brash - though that isn't to say that she's incapable of showing respect... when it's shown to her. But if you or your character are incredibly sensitive, and your character will be negatively impacted by a cruel person who absolutely does NOT care about their mental well-being, and that's not what you want, then she isn't for you. That's also not to say that she's incapable of making friends, either - it simply takes a long time. Don't expect her to warm up to you right away, or to win her over quickly. Any sort of relationship - working, friendship - takes time. It's all slow burn.I also do not welcome characters who are misogynistic, nor those who insist on demeaning others for their height/gender/sexuality and so on - those things don't make sense in the canon of XIV, and I'm admittedly tired of Jak being constantly demeaned for both her gender and her height - especially when it's canon that both Au Ra women and Miqo'te have a strength that belies their size; this tells me that if you pursue such discrimination IC, you either believe in it OOC, or don't know lore, and I don't have time for either.
My Writing
(Under Construction for the foreseeable future)
Honey - April 2019
Priorities - April 2019
Sunset - May 2019
Burned Out and Hollow - June 2019
Don't Panic - June 2019
Reflection - July 2019
Remember Us - Wol!Jak - July 2019
Look At You Now - Wol!Jak - July 2019
Fear and Loathing - July 2019
Firsts - July 2019
Want/Becoming - July 2019
Fraying - July 2019
Searching (1) - August 2019
Searching (2) - August 2019
Searching (3) - August 2019
Miss Murder - August 2019
It - August 2019
Voracious - Sept 2019
Bargain - Sept 2019
First Steps - Sept 2019
Hesitate - Sept 2019
Foster - Sept 2019
Fingers Crossed - Sept 2019
Wax - Sept 2019
Scour - Sept 2019
Jitter - Sept 2019
Obeisant - Sept 2019
Attune - Sept 2019
Change - Sept 2019
Different - Oct 2019
Ebb and Flow - Oct 2019
Let's Kill Tonight - Oct 2019
Becoming - Oct 2019
Insight and Insecurity - Oct 2019
Little Things - Oct 2019
To Soothe the Savage Beast - Oct 2019
Dragon Rising - Oct 2019
Music - Oct 2019
My Friends - Nov 2019
The Little Things - Nov 2019
What's In a Name? - Dec 2019
Wait For It - Dec 2019
Do Better - Dec 2019
Become the Beast - Dec 2019
Untethered - Dec 2019
Expression - Dec 2019
The Art of Seduction - Jan 2020
Flinch - Jan 2020
The Mindkiller - Feb 2020
People Like Us - Feb 2020
Of Demons and Dragons - Feb 2020
Strong Enough - March 2020
Growing Pain - March 2020
The Weight of a Name - March 2020
Withdrawal - March 2020
Want - March 2020
Death - March 2020
Nothing - March 2020
Fight Back - March 2020
Best Served Cold - April 2020
Policy of Truth - April 2020
From One Predator To Another - April 2020
If - April 2020
Never - April 2020
No More - April 2020
Follow You - April 2020
Enjoy the Silence - June 2020
Massacre - July 2020
Me, Myself, and I - July 2020
J'amuse - July 2020
True Colors - July 2020
Of Mice and Men - August 2020
Bicameral - August 2020
Crux - Sept 2020
Sway - Sept 2020
Ultracrepidarian - Sept 2020
Lush - Sept 2020
Tooth and Nail - Sept 2020
Fade - Sept 2020
Witness - Oct 2020
Foibles - Dec 2020
Irenic - Dec 2020
Avail - Dec 2020
Grief's Due - Dec 2020
Awaken - Jan 2021
People - Jan 2021
Envy - Jan 2021
The Sun - Jan 2021
Reclamation - Jan 2021
Once More With Feeling - Feb 2021
Wish - Feb 2021
Shouganai - Feb 2021
Bitter Pill - Feb 2021
Shock and Awe - Feb 2021
You Can't Outrun the Past - Feb 2021
Old Wounds - April 2021
Block - May 2021
Right/Wrong - July 2021
Face the Strange - July 2021
Fear - July 2021
Baleful - Sept 2021
Bow - Sept 2021
What Came Before - Nov 2021
From the Ashes of the Old - Jan 2022
Burn - Jan 2022
Reflections in Glass - April 2022
Rise, Fall, and Rise Again - May 2022
Cold Comfort - June 2022
Us/Them - Aug 2023
Temper - Sept 2022
Channel - Sept 2022
AU:Praetorium - June 2023
OOC Information
Firstly, I'd like to say thanks for stopping in! I like to be clear and concise in my communication, so this will be a brief layout of my expectations, and relevant OOC info.
21+ only, please - I respect that all ages have creativity to offer, but as I'm over 30 myself, and often my RP features dark and mature themes, I simply prefer a more mature RP partner. (Experience says that - at least sometimes - wisdom comes with age, as well!)
Mature Themes - To segue off the prior point, not all my RP will be violent or bloody or gorey - but Jak isn't necessarily good for the mental health of vulnerable characters; she regularly verbally harasses and humiliates those around her if she finds out what makes them squirm - and if you don't enjoy a good verbal spar, she's probably not for you. If you don't like heavy/dark themes, there's no shame in saying that she's just not for you! (I get it.)
M/RP and Dark RP ≠ ERP - Too often, people assume that 'dark' or 'mature' RP means ERP, and I want to make it perfectly clear that it does not. If this is your sole interest in reaching out, I'll save you time by saying that I'm not interested! For me, ERP happens through story/should have meaningful context behind it, and Jak isn't pursuing a partner, anyways! She's rather committed to her definitelynot!partner (it's complicated).
Communication is Key - Self-explanatory, one would hope, but I'll iterate. Never, ever be afraid to communicate with your RP partner about anything - if you're upset, if you want to run a plot, if something in RP unsettles you, etc! We can't work out any issue that isn't brought to light, and if I ever do/say anything that's upsetting, I certainly can't make it right if I don't know. Difficult conversations aren't easy for anyone - not even me - but they're an essential part of any relationship, to include the friendship and partnership that comes with a long-term RP partner.
IC ≠ OOC - Again, self-explanatory. Jak is incredibly rude and judgemental in character - meanwhile, I'm deeply empathetic, and cringe half the time I write her mean little jabs. Do not confuse the muse with the mun. (I like to think this includes not meta-gaming and bringing OOC knowledge into IC play, as well.)
Longerm RP is preferred - I'm looking for longterm investment - i.e. a longterm plot or involvement with each other's characters that isn't just a one-off drink at a bar, or some such. This comes with the expectation of mutual respect in scheduling RP and working together to do so, and not expecting one partner to always be the one who reaches out; likewise does this mean that I expect my partner to show up when scheduled, or reach out ahead of time to cancel out of respect for my time, and I will do the same.
No Discord/Tumblr RP Please - I'm simply bad at out-of-game RP; if RP must be done there, then I have to approach it the same way I would in-game-RP: fast paced and in the moment. One or two posts a day simply won't work - the longer a scene drags on out of game, the harder it is to stay in the right headspace or remember what my character wanted to do or say ('out of sight, out of mind') - plus then something that might impact later RP now happens out of time, in this weird bubble that takes weeks to finish. My ADHD and I simply cannot sustain RP like this - I'm far too easily distracted, and writing requires the right headspace.
Please Schedule RP - Spur of the moment scenes are hard for me. Again, I require the right headspace, and expecting RP ahead of time helps me prepare ahead of time, as well. This is for everyone's benefit, really - I prefer to schedule scenes ahead of time! Just let me know if you can't make it, ahead of time, where possible
No discrimination of any sort is welcome - I'm LGBTQIA+ friendly, as I'm part of that community, myself! tl;dr - If you carry hate for any group of people, you'll find my ire is as searing as Jak's. Do not interact.
No Gossip, no drama - If we end up parting ways, that's okay - not everything was meant to be, after all. That said, I also ask that people don't bring their drama my way, or try to involve me, or gossip to me about others, either. Talk TO people, not ABOUT people. Communication is, again, key to healthy relationship dynamics.

Contact Information
Discord: Upon Request* Tumblr will be the easiest way to reach me. I'm terribly inactive on Twitter, and mostly re-post images from my Tumblr there.
Why yes, the Bosozoku/Yakuza inspired FC I help lead IS recruiting - and not just for criminals! Starting as a waitress at the restaurant, or an entertainer at the jazz bar is a great way to ease a character into crime who may not already be involved, but we heartily welcome the seasoned criminal as well! You can read up on our rules and expectations, check our hiring roster, and find the application to the FC by clicking the link below!
My FC is currently inactive, and the FC house serves as a roleplay backdrop. The Yakuza family/businesses she heads are still 'active' as NPCs.